Search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, AOL and DuckDuckGo list a website link on the search results page depending on the search term. When a user enters their search query or search keywords the search engine then presents a Search Engine Results Pages (SERP). Therefore, the position of a website link on the search results page is important.

Every SERP is unique for the same search query or search keywords performed on the same search engine, because virtually all search engines customize the experience for their users by presenting search results based on a wide range of factors beyond their search keywords, such as the user’s physical location, browsing history and social settings. Google, Bing and other search engine providers in their experimental efforts to offer their users a more intuitive, responsive experience the SERP is constantly in flux. This, combined with emerging and rapidly developing technologies like big data, the Internet of things, machine learning, artificial intelligence in the search space, means that the SERPs of today differ greatly in appearance from their older predecessors.

Your business need to be found organically

SERPs typically contain two types of content: “organic” results and paid results. Organic results are listings of web pages that appear as a result of the search engine’s algorithm for a search query or search keywords entered by a user. Organic search traffic is the first source of visits for most websites and can be a crucial component of a buyer funnel, leading to higher conversions and return on investment. Organic search strategy provides long-term results whereas paid advertising provides instant results.

“Investing in UX creates a better website experience for end users, potentially leading to improved SEO performance driving traffic and generates sales. We at GetGoingHub are experts in UX designs and information architecture who can create intuitive user experience and user interface based websites that are Useful, Usable, Findable, Credible, Desirable, Accessible and Valuable.”

Organic search results are listings that have been indexed by the search engine based on a number of factors termed as “ranking signals” or “ranking factors”. Ranking signals are a sorting algorithm used by the search engine to sort search results according to their quality and relevance to the particular search query. The search algorithm looks at many factors and signals, including the words of search query, relevance and usability of pages, expertise of sources, and your location and settings. And the algorithm can be any mechanical method that takes a bunch of items to compare, so to say whether one is “bigger” or “smaller” than the other.

The search algorithm used by the search engine features hundreds of ranking factors, and while nobody outside of the organization knows precisely what they are, some are thought to be more important than others.

Your website is the centerpiece of your marketing efforts

Outbound Links (Backlinks)

Outbound links are the number of external links that link to a specific website or web page from other websites external links and these are the most important ranking factor. External links pass link equity differently than internal links because the search engines consider outbound links as third-party votes. Getting listed in relevant local directories and niche directories that are listing businesses that sell products similar to what you are selling or offering services same as those of yours.

Search Engine Optimization

In this online world because of the amount of time people spend online social media and search engines impact consumer buying decisions. The process of associating a website or a web page with a small but effective set of relevant keywords and improving the quality and quantity of website traffic from search engines is Search engine optimization (SEO). Keyword ranking not only works within a search engine’s ranking algorithm by tailoring content to frequently searched terms, but also by helping you match search intent.

User Experience (UX)

User experience is the foundation of a website’s usability and creating positive user experience, and it’s an important factor in on-page SEO. A positive UX can increase user engagement, as users are more likely to spend more time on a website that is easy to use, visually appealing, and provides the information they are looking for. When users engage more with a website, they are also more likely to share it with others, leading to more traffic and better search ranking.

User experience evaluation looks at the three types of UX design to best understand the needs of the end user; information, interaction and visual design. When creating a website, businesses should strive to provide a good user experience to ensure end users can easily navigate your site and find what they need.

While there are many factors considered for an SEO score, these are three of the most important factors in making your site stand out in the ocean of content on the Internet. By looking into how to build a website with SEO in mind, you are already taking the first steps into helping your website to get a higher ranking. Talk to GetGoingHub experts to know more SEO tips for small businesses and factors to consider for SEO when planning to build a website.

There’s no use in investing time and money to build a beautiful website if your customers can’t find it. Search engine optimization (SEO) is how you help customers find your site when they search on Google, Bing and Yahoo. By building your site the right way and optimizing your keywords, you’ll drive more traffic to your page and generate sales. GetGoingHub can make your website stand out in the ocean of content on the Internet.